Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lysistrata Blog 1

What would have happened if the men didn't agree to end the war? would the women have been able to continue to abstain or would they have given in? I believe that the women would have given in because they were also desperate for sex. The women even try running away by giving excuses such as taking care of the wool in the house, peeling flax, and even not wanting to give birth on forbidden ground (70-72). This shows that the women are very desperate to get out of Athenes and back to their husbands. They already showed signs of reluctance to agree to the oath in the beginning. Kleonike says, " there's nothing like it, Lysistrata!" (26). And Myrrhine would rather "walk through fire" (26).
However, the women were able to tempt the men without giving in. In pages 81 to 90, Myrrhine tempts Kinesias but then leaves him uncomfortable and alone on the cot. This shows her strong will because she said before the encounter, "Oh, I do love him! I'm mad about him!" (81).
Overall though, i believe that the women would have given in and the war would go on if the men didn't agree to end the war first.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

It's really sad because the women needed to be restrained in order to avoid running back into the arms of their husbands. The women were portrayed as weak, even Lysistrata as she certainly was aroused by the mere sight of a man, namely, Kinesias.