Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lysistrata Blog 2

"Oh, I do love him! I'm mad about him! But he doesn't want my love" (81). Myrrhine says this when Kinesias comes to visit her in an attempt to have sex with her.
It's kinda sad that the women all love their husbands but they know that their husbands want only the sex aspect of the relationship. That makes me angry that the women would put up with something like that. They know that the men only want sex but they continue those relationships.
if these relationships are based on sex, i wonder what happened after the truce; were the men angry at their wives? Were the relationships fixed? Did the men respect their wives more?


Laura =) said...

The men probably were mad at their wives for making them look so stupid and forcing their ideas on them, but they probably didn't do anything about it because they don't want the women to do it again. Hopefully the men respect their wives more now that they have seen what they are capable of doing, and maybe it did help fix their relationships since they both respected each others power more. Maybe.

Ashley said...

To be quite frank, I don't think anything changed much at all after the truce was made. The men probably acted nice for about a month and then started to not respect their wives as more than sex objects because that's all the women portrayed themselves as.